Under the new Provincial legislation, does your property have to be within the ALR and be classified as a farm under the Assessment Act to host a gathering for an event?

    Yes, according to Policy L-22 released in October 2016, gathering for an event must not be prohibited by a local government bylaw if the farm is located in the ALR and on land classified as a farm under the Assessment Act.

    Currently, what Provincial conditions must be met prior to hosting a gathering for an event?

    Gathering for an event is permitted is a non-farm use on land in the Agricultural Land Reserve if all of the following conditions are met:

    i) the farm must be located on land classified as a farm under the Assessment Act

    ii) Permanent facilities must not be constructed or erected in connection with the event;

    iii) parking for those attending the event must be available on the farm, but must not be permanent nor interfere with the farm's agricultural productivity;

    iv) no more than 150 people, excluding residents and employees of the farm, may be gathered on the farm at one time for the purpose of attending the event;

    v) the event must be no more than 24 hours duration;

    vi) no more than 10 gatherings for an event of any type may occur on the farm within a single calendar year.

    What type of additional regulations are being proposed by the RDN in regards to gathering for an event?

    Additional regulations proposed by the RDN:

    i) All buildings, structures or event areas associated with gathering for an event be setback 15 metres from all lot lines.

    ii) Maximum site area for gathering for events shall not exceed 500 m2

    iii) 1 spot per 4 guests must be available on the farm for a gathering for an event and must be setback 15 metres from all lot lines.