What is a development cost charge?

    Development cost charges (DCCs) are fees collected from developers on a user pay basis to help fund the cost of growth-related infrastructure, such as wastewater services and facilities. DCCs are regulated through the Local Government Act. The rates charged reflect the impact growth has on wastewater services; the larger the impact, the larger the charge. This helps ensure developers pay their fair share of the costs required to develop new infrastructure.

    Who pays DCCs?

    DCCs are paid by land developers. Developers pay DCCs instead of taxpayers who are not creating the demand and are not benefitting from the new infrastructure. Local municipalities are responsible for collecting the DCCs.

    What do wastewater services DCCs pay for?

    Wastewater services and facilities such as pollution control centers, pump stations and sewer line upgrades and maintenance.

    What do wastewater services DCCs NOT pay for?

    Wastewater services and facilities operation and maintenance that are not related to population growth.

    Why update the current DCC rates?

    The Province suggests that local governments review their DCC’s every five years. The RDN’s wastewater service area DCC’s were last updated in 2017.

    How are DCCs calculated?

    DCCs are calculated by dividing the cost of infrastructure attributed to new development by population growth over a period of time.