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Lot B and C Horne Lake Road
The RDN has received a zoning amendment for the properties legally described as Lot B and C, District Lot 90, Newcastle District, Plan EPP79321. The subject properties are currently zoned Rural 6 Subdivision District D (RU6D) (see Document Library), which allows a range of rural uses including agriculture and one dwelling unit per parcel with a minimum parcel size of 2.0 hectares.
The proposal is to amend the RU6 zone to a Comprehensive Development Zone that would permit artist studio, convenience store, electric vehicle charging station, emergency services, fast food outlet, gasoline service station, produce market, tourist information booth, restaurant and retail store.
This is in your community and we want to hear your thoughts on this proposal. A few ways you can learn more and share your thoughts are by:
Checking out our Document Library which includes the site plan and supporting studies
To check the status of the application and next steps see our Process
Visit the FAQ's or Important Linksfor more information
Be sure to Register to provide your comments.
If you want to share your thoughts or discuss with other registered participants visit the Start a Discussion tab below
Send us your questions and we will provide an answer for all to see in the Q & A tab
We will share project updates in the What's New tab as the project moves forward
Connect with our team by email or phone? See our contact info in Who's Listening
Lot B and C Horne Lake Road
The RDN has received a zoning amendment for the properties legally described as Lot B and C, District Lot 90, Newcastle District, Plan EPP79321. The subject properties are currently zoned Rural 6 Subdivision District D (RU6D) (see Document Library), which allows a range of rural uses including agriculture and one dwelling unit per parcel with a minimum parcel size of 2.0 hectares.
The proposal is to amend the RU6 zone to a Comprehensive Development Zone that would permit artist studio, convenience store, electric vehicle charging station, emergency services, fast food outlet, gasoline service station, produce market, tourist information booth, restaurant and retail store.
This is in your community and we want to hear your thoughts on this proposal. A few ways you can learn more and share your thoughts are by:
Checking out our Document Library which includes the site plan and supporting studies
To check the status of the application and next steps see our Process
Visit the FAQ's or Important Linksfor more information
Be sure to Register to provide your comments.
If you want to share your thoughts or discuss with other registered participants visit the Start a Discussion tab below
Send us your questions and we will provide an answer for all to see in the Q & A tab
We will share project updates in the What's New tab as the project moves forward
Connect with our team by email or phone? See our contact info in Who's Listening
Development Application No. PL2020-007 has finished this stage
This application has been received and we are inviting public comments and contributions until 4:30 pm May 29, 2020.
Under Review
Development Application No. PL2020-007 has finished this stage
The project team will analyze the public input and prepare a report to the Electoral Area Services Committee and Regional Board.
Board Consideration - 1st and 2nd reading
Development Application No. PL2020-007 has finished this stage
The corresponding amendment bylaw to be considered for 1st and 2nd reading.
Public Hearing
Development Application No. PL2020-007 has finished this stage
A public hearing has been scheduled for Thursday, September 17, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. electronically or by telephone through Zoom. The public may attend by joining the Zoom meeting via telephone or over the Internet via smartphone, tablet or computer. For information on how to register to attend or speak through Zoom visit or phone 250-390-6510.
Board Consideration - 3rd Reading
Development Application No. PL2020-007 has finished this stage
Following the public hearing, the next step in the bylaw adoption process is the consideration of 3rd reading.
Completion of Conditions of Approval
Development Application No. PL2020-007 has finished this stage
At this stage, the applicant must complete all conditions that must be completed prior to the consideration of adoption.
Board Consideration of Adoption
Development Application No. PL2020-007 is currently at this stage
Once the conditions of approval have been satisfied, the Board may consider the amendment bylaw for adoption.