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2288 Pylades Drive
The RDN has received a zoning amendment for a portion of the foreshore area and surface of the sea adjacent to Lot A, Section 9 and 10, Range 6, Cedar District, Plan EPP99775. The coastal area adjacent to the subject property is currently zoned Water 1 (WA1), Subdivision District 'Z' (see Document Library), which allows aquaculture and a boat ramp.
The zoning amendment proposal is to amend the WA1 zone to permit the construction of a dock for private moorage. The proposed dock will also require a 0.3987 hectare lease in the foreshore area from the Province of BC. An amended zone will permit a dock for private moorage within the lease area adjacent to the subject property. Conceptual plans for the private dock can be viewed in the document library.
As part of the applicant's proposal, a voluntary community amenity contribution in the amount of $5,000 has also been offered towards the Quennell Boat launch dock project or other park beach access improvements in Electoral Area 'A'.
This is in your community and we want to hear your thoughts on this proposal. A few ways you can learn more and share your thoughts are by:
Check out our Document Library which includes the site plan and supporting studies
To see the status of the application and next steps visit our Process
Visit the FAQ's or Important Links for more information
Be sure to Register to provide your input
Share your thoughts on the application in the Application Input tab below
Submit your questions and we will provide an answer for all to see in the Ask a Question tab below
Project updates will be shared in the What's New tab as the project moves forward
Connect with our team by email or phone - see our contact info in Who's Listening
2288 Pylades Drive
The RDN has received a zoning amendment for a portion of the foreshore area and surface of the sea adjacent to Lot A, Section 9 and 10, Range 6, Cedar District, Plan EPP99775. The coastal area adjacent to the subject property is currently zoned Water 1 (WA1), Subdivision District 'Z' (see Document Library), which allows aquaculture and a boat ramp.
The zoning amendment proposal is to amend the WA1 zone to permit the construction of a dock for private moorage. The proposed dock will also require a 0.3987 hectare lease in the foreshore area from the Province of BC. An amended zone will permit a dock for private moorage within the lease area adjacent to the subject property. Conceptual plans for the private dock can be viewed in the document library.
As part of the applicant's proposal, a voluntary community amenity contribution in the amount of $5,000 has also been offered towards the Quennell Boat launch dock project or other park beach access improvements in Electoral Area 'A'.
This is in your community and we want to hear your thoughts on this proposal. A few ways you can learn more and share your thoughts are by:
Check out our Document Library which includes the site plan and supporting studies
To see the status of the application and next steps visit our Process
Visit the FAQ's or Important Links for more information
Be sure to Register to provide your input
Share your thoughts on the application in the Application Input tab below
Submit your questions and we will provide an answer for all to see in the Ask a Question tab below
Project updates will be shared in the What's New tab as the project moves forward
Connect with our team by email or phone - see our contact info in Who's Listening
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Thank you to everyone who has provided comments on the zoning amendment application at 2288 Pylades Drive (PL2021-156). The application is now on-hold pending provincial review and approvals. Further updates will be provided when the application status changes.
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To provide enhanced opportunities for public feedback on the proposed zoning amendment, you are invited to use this online to ask questions or to make comments on the proposal. Feel free to also contact us by email at or phone 250-390-6510 to provide comments or to discuss the application. The deadline for public feedback is 4:30 p.m. on April 20, 2023.
Development Application No. PL2021-156 has finished this stage
The application has been received and we are inviting public comments and contributions until April 20, 2023
Under Review
Development Application No. PL2021-156 is currently at this stage
The project team will analyze the public input and prepare a report to the Electoral Area Services Committee and Regional Board.
Board Consideration - 1st and 2nd Reading
this is an upcoming stage for Development Application No. PL2021-156
The amendment bylaw to be considered for 1st and 2nd reading.
Public Hearing
this is an upcoming stage for Development Application No. PL2021-156
If the amendment bylaw receives 1st and 2nd reading, a public hearing may be scheduled. In accordance with Section 464 (2) of the Local Government Act, the Board may choose to not hold a public hearing if there is an official community plan (OCP) in effect for the area subject to the zoning bylaw and the bylaw is consistent with the OCP. If a public hearing is not held, the RDN will provide notice prior to the bylaw receiving first reading.
Board Consideration - 3rd Reading
this is an upcoming stage for Development Application No. PL2021-156
Following the public hearing (if held), the next step in the bylaw adoption process is the consideration of 3rd reading.
Completion of Conditions of Approval
this is an upcoming stage for Development Application No. PL2021-156
At this stage, the applicant must complete all conditions of approval prior to the consideration of the bylaw for adoption.
Adoption of the Bylaw
this is an upcoming stage for Development Application No. PL2021-156
Once the conditions of approval have been satisfied, the Board may consider the amendment bylaw for adoption.