Development Application No. PL2022-186

1788 Fielding Road
The RDN has received a zoning amendment for a property legally described as Lot B, Sections 14 and 15, Range 6, Cranberry District, Plan VIP78751. The subject property is currently zoned Residential 2, Subdivision District F (RS2F) (see Document Library), which allows one dwelling unit, accessory uses and a minimum parcel size of 1.0 hectare.
The proposal is to amend the RS2F zone to a Industrial 1 (IN1) that would permit light industry and heavy equipment display. The purpose for the amendment is to permit warehousing buildings, which is allowed under the definition of light industry in the zoning bylaw:
light industry means the wholesale, warehousing, testing, service, repair or maintenance of an article, substance, material, fabric or compound; and includes artisan and manufacturing shop, having a gross floor area not exceeding 200 m2 , and retail sales accessory to the principal use;
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