#2 - RDN Parks and Trails Strategy: Draft Vision, Goals and Actions
About this Project:
The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) is developing a Parks and Trails Strategy that will guide park planning, management and decision-making over the next ten years.
RDN parks and trails include both regional parks (such as Mount Benson Regional Park and Englishman River Regional Park), and many community parks located throughout the RDN’s seven Electoral Areas. The RDN manages parks outside the municipal boundaries of Nanaimo, Lantzille, Parksville and Qualicum Beach, from Cedar in the south to Bowser in the north. View a map of the RDN’s existing parks and trails.
We are now in Phase 3 of the project: Public Review of the Draft Vision, Goals and Actions
The draft Parks and Trails Strategy is built from information and community input received during the first round of public engagement in 2019-2020.
Based on the input received, a draft vision, goals and actions have been developed. This survey is asking for your feedback - Did we get it right?
If you have not already done so, please review the draft vision, goals and actions shared on our Parks and Trails Strategy Get Involved RDN page.
The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete after reviewing the draft material.
If you would rather complete a paper copy please print and return to Ravensong Aquatic Centre (Qualicum), Oceanside Place (Parksville), or the RDN Administration Office (Nanaimo) by April 28, 2022.
Thank you for your time. Your feedback is important!