Coastal Flood Hazard Development Permit Area

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The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) is working to improve the steps needed to mitigate risks to new development located near the coast. The proposed development permit area will identify earlier on in the approvals process the existing requirements for construction of a new building and/or subdivision. The proposed official community plan amendments outline the purpose and area affected and the proposed zoning bylaw amendment establishes the requirements. Both should be considered together and are located in the Document Library.

The Regional Board gave two readings to official community plan amendment bylaws for Areas A, E, G and H and zoning bylaw in 2023. We are seeking public feedback at open houses being held in February and March and through this bylaw comment form.

How Can I Get Involved & Learn More?

  • Visit the Document Library to learn more about the proposed amended bylaws
  • See our FAQs tab to better understand this project
  • Attend an open house for the affected electoral areas (Areas A, E, G or H)
  • Register to submit a comment form or ask questions
  • Submit your comments on the proposed amendment bylaws by using the Bylaw Comment Form
  • Ask us a question in the Q & A tab and we will respond
  • Subscribe by clicking on the Stay Informed tab to be kept up-to-date with progress on the bylaw adoption process through direct email
  • Connect with our Team, see our contact info under Who’s Listening

    The RDN looks forward to your participation.

The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) is working to improve the steps needed to mitigate risks to new development located near the coast. The proposed development permit area will identify earlier on in the approvals process the existing requirements for construction of a new building and/or subdivision. The proposed official community plan amendments outline the purpose and area affected and the proposed zoning bylaw amendment establishes the requirements. Both should be considered together and are located in the Document Library.

The Regional Board gave two readings to official community plan amendment bylaws for Areas A, E, G and H and zoning bylaw in 2023. We are seeking public feedback at open houses being held in February and March and through this bylaw comment form.

How Can I Get Involved & Learn More?

  • Visit the Document Library to learn more about the proposed amended bylaws
  • See our FAQs tab to better understand this project
  • Attend an open house for the affected electoral areas (Areas A, E, G or H)
  • Register to submit a comment form or ask questions
  • Submit your comments on the proposed amendment bylaws by using the Bylaw Comment Form
  • Ask us a question in the Q & A tab and we will respond
  • Subscribe by clicking on the Stay Informed tab to be kept up-to-date with progress on the bylaw adoption process through direct email
  • Connect with our Team, see our contact info under Who’s Listening

    The RDN looks forward to your participation.
  • Public Hearing Scheduled For Coastal Flood Hazard DPA

    Share Public Hearing Scheduled For Coastal Flood Hazard DPA on Facebook Share Public Hearing Scheduled For Coastal Flood Hazard DPA on Twitter Share Public Hearing Scheduled For Coastal Flood Hazard DPA on Linkedin Email Public Hearing Scheduled For Coastal Flood Hazard DPA link

    On June 25, 2024, the RDN Board received information from the engagement held to establish a Coastal Flood Hazard Development Permit Area and directed to proceed to a public hearing on the proposed amendment bylaws.

    If adopted, the bylaws will provide a consistent standard to reduce the potential impacts of flooding for new buildings, alternation of existing buildings, and parcel subdivision located in the coastal floodplain.

    The public hearing will be held on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 @ 6 P.M. RDN Administrative Office 6300 Hammond Bay Rd Nanaimo BC

    A notice of the public notice will appear in local newspapers and on the main RDN webpage:

  • Area A, E, G and H Residents Invited to Provide Input on Proposed Development Permit Area Bylaws

    Share Area A, E, G and H Residents Invited to Provide Input on Proposed Development Permit Area Bylaws on Facebook Share Area A, E, G and H Residents Invited to Provide Input on Proposed Development Permit Area Bylaws on Twitter Share Area A, E, G and H Residents Invited to Provide Input on Proposed Development Permit Area Bylaws on Linkedin Email Area A, E, G and H Residents Invited to Provide Input on Proposed Development Permit Area Bylaws link
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    Residents are invited to review and provide feedback on the proposed bylaws to create a coastal flood hazard development permit area by attending one of the open houses happening in February and March for electoral areas A, E, G and H prior to preceding to third reading of the bylaws. Details of the events are posting on the RDN webpage and in the Parksville - Qualicum Beach and Nanaimo newspapers.

    The core information provided will be the same for each Open House, so there is no need to attend them all.

    If you cannot attend an open house, submit your input here.

  • Advancing Climate Adaptation: Bylaw 1872 Adopted

    Share Advancing Climate Adaptation: Bylaw 1872 Adopted on Facebook Share Advancing Climate Adaptation: Bylaw 1872 Adopted on Twitter Share Advancing Climate Adaptation: Bylaw 1872 Adopted on Linkedin Email Advancing Climate Adaptation: Bylaw 1872 Adopted link

    On July 11, 2023, the Board adopted Flood Hazard Mitigation Bylaw 1872, 2023.

    This bylaw provides updated information on floodplain mapping incorporating climate change and sea level rise for used in development approvals for new construction in Electoral Areas A, C, E, F, G and H. This bylaw replaces RDN Flood Management Bylaw No. 1469, 2006.

  • Regional Flood Study Complete

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    The RDN is pleased to announce the completion of the Nanaimo River flood hazard mapping project. This is the fourth successfully completed flood hazard/risk project lead by the RDN and is considered a significant milestone in understanding present day and future flood events in the region.

    The project approach includes three key elements summarized as analyzing the flood hazard; representing the findings on a regulatory river floodplain map with Flood Construction Levels (FCLs) and conducting a high-level risk assessment informed by participatory engagement to incorporate key flood concerns in the study area.

    The next stage is to include this information in existing land use bylaws to better inform the safe location and design of new buildings in relation to known river and coastal flood hazards. Look for the draft bylaws in July 2023. Updates will be communicated on the RDN Get Involved webpage, RDN Board agenda and via local media.

  • Revised Coastal Flood Map

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    Integrated flood management applies a systems approach to flood risk reduction that considers all natural flood hazards - river, overland (e.g., culverts) and the sea.

    The Province of British Columbia advises coastal communities to plan for at least one metre of sea level rise by the year 2100, and two metres by 2200. To better understand the implications of sea level rise and future land use, the RDN retained Ebbwater Consulting Inc. along with Cascadia Coast Research Ltd. in 2018 to develop flood mapping for the coastal area. The mapping information was released in June 2020. Revised mapping information followed in October 2021. The revised documents and supporting information are located on the RDN webpage here: Sea Level Rise Adaptation Program

    As we learn more about coastal flooding and sea level rise it is anticipated that the coastal maps will be reviewed and periodically revised along with the applicable land use plans and regulations.

Page last updated: 04 Sep 2024, 02:33 PM