Development Application No. PL2017-095
1700 Alberni Highway, Electoral Area F
The RDN has received a zoning amendment for the property legally described as Lot 1, Salvation Army Lots, Nanoose District, Plan VIP69390. The subject property is currently zoned Commercial 3 (C-3) and Manufactured Home Park 1.6 (MHP-1.6) (see Document Library). The MHP-1.6 zone allows nineteen manufactured homes, one dwelling unit, and six Recreation Sites on the subject property.
A Public Information Meeting (PIM) was held on January 8, 2018. In response to comments received at the PIM and from referral agencies, the applicant has amended the application by reducing the number ofContinue reading
1700 Alberni Highway, Electoral Area F
The RDN has received a zoning amendment for the property legally described as Lot 1, Salvation Army Lots, Nanoose District, Plan VIP69390. The subject property is currently zoned Commercial 3 (C-3) and Manufactured Home Park 1.6 (MHP-1.6) (see Document Library). The MHP-1.6 zone allows nineteen manufactured homes, one dwelling unit, and six Recreation Sites on the subject property.
A Public Information Meeting (PIM) was held on January 8, 2018. In response to comments received at the PIM and from referral agencies, the applicant has amended the application by reducing the number of additional manufactured homes from twenty-seven to twenty-two. The applicant is also proposing to install an advanced wastewater treatment system, implement a stormwater management plan, and address concerns over internal traffic safety.
The updated proposal is to amend the MHP-1.6 zoned portion to Manufactured Home Park 2 (MHP-2) to allow up to an additional twenty-two manufactured homes, pursuant to “Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area ‘F’ Zoning and Subdivision Bylaw No. 1285, 2002”.
This is in your community and we want to hear your thoughts on this proposal. A few ways you can learn more and provide your input are:
- Check out our Document Library which includes the site plan and supporting studies
- To check the status of the application and next steps see our Process section to the right
- Be sure to Register to provide your comments
- If you want to share your thoughts or discuss with other registered participants visit the Start a Discussion tab below
- Send us your questions and we will provide an answer for all to see in the Q&A tab
- We will share project updates in the What's New tab as the project moves forward
- Want to connect with our team by email or phone? See our contact info in Who's Listening
Public Hearing Scheduled
Share Public Hearing Scheduled on Facebook Share Public Hearing Scheduled on Twitter Share Public Hearing Scheduled on Linkedin Email Public Hearing Scheduled linkA Public Hearing has been scheduled on Monday, June 28, 2021 at 6:00 pm. As a virtual hearing, participants can access the hearing online as follows:
To access the live video feed:
- go to
- go to June 28, 2021 on the online calendar
- click on Public Hearing PL2017-095
- click on the video link
- watch and listen to the hearing
Note: The video link is not available until approximately 10 minutes prior to the start of the hearing.
To be heard at the hearing:
If you wish to speak, dial in by telephone with the following number and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode provided below when prompted:
Phone Number: 1-778-907-2071
Meeting ID: 672 3031 6575
Passcode: 882782
Instructions: You will be in a waiting room until it is your time to speak.
Note: There is no need to pre-register to view the live video feed or to be heard. If you have any questions, please call 250-390-6510.
For more information, please view the Public Hearing notice in the Document Library
Application Proceeding to EASC
Share Application Proceeding to EASC on Facebook Share Application Proceeding to EASC on Twitter Share Application Proceeding to EASC on Linkedin Email Application Proceeding to EASC linkThis is to advise that the application, a staff report, and corresponding zoning amendment bylaw are scheduled to be considered by the Electoral Area Services Committee (EASC) at its September 9th meeting at 1:30 pm. The meeting agenda and staff report will be available online by Friday, September 4th by clicking here.
Virtual Engagement Results Report
Share Virtual Engagement Results Report on Facebook Share Virtual Engagement Results Report on Twitter Share Virtual Engagement Results Report on Linkedin Email Virtual Engagement Results Report linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.A report outlining the results of the virtual engagement process has been posted to the document library.
The RDN is seeking input on zoning amendment application PL2017-095
Share The RDN is seeking input on zoning amendment application PL2017-095 on Facebook Share The RDN is seeking input on zoning amendment application PL2017-095 on Twitter Share The RDN is seeking input on zoning amendment application PL2017-095 on Linkedin Email The RDN is seeking input on zoning amendment application PL2017-095 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.In response to the COVID-19 pandemic requirements for physical distancing and desire to support online opportunities for public feedback, a Public Information Meeting is not being held. Instead, the public is invited to provide feedback and ask questions online. The deadline for public feedback is June 2, 2020.
Document Library
PL2017-095 PH Notice (479 KB) (pdf)
Sewage Treatment Report (729 KB) (pdf)
Stormwater Managment Plan (1.09 MB) (pdf)
MHP-1.6 Zone (115 KB) (pdf)
Proposed MHP-2 Zone (163 KB) (pdf)
Virtual Engagement Results (109 KB) (pdf)
Site Plan (90.4 KB) (pdf)
Staff Report - Introduction (20.7 MB) (pdf)
Submissions Prior to the Public Hearing.pdf (282 KB) (pdf)
Public Information Stage
Development Application No. PL2017-095 has finished this stageThis application has been received and we are inviting public comments and contributions until 4:30 pm June 2, 2020.
Under Review
Development Application No. PL2017-095 has finished this stageThe project team will analyze the public input and prepare a report to the Electoral Area Services Committee and Regional Board.
Board Consideration - 1st and 2nd reading
Development Application No. PL2017-095 has finished this stageThe corresponding amendment bylaw to be considered for 1st and 2nd reading.
Public Hearing
Development Application No. PL2017-095 has finished this stageAn electronic public hearing has been scheduled on Monday, June 28th at 6:00pm . Please refer to the Document Library to view the notice.
Board Consideration - 3rd Reading
Development Application No. PL2017-095 has finished this stageFollowing the public hearing, the next step in the bylaw adoption process is the consideration of 3rd reading.
Completion of Conditions of Approval
Development Application No. PL2017-095 is currently at this stageAt this stage, the applicant must complete all conditions that must be completed prior to the consideration of adoption.
Board Consideration of Adoption
this is an upcoming stage for Development Application No. PL2017-095Once the conditions of approval have been satisfied, the Board may consider the amendment bylaw for adoption.
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