Nile Creek Enhancement Society
Since becoming a non-profit society in 1996, this group of dedicated individuals has done a lot of work to protect and restore the fresh water and marine habitat which our local salmon populations rely on. Through educating and involving the public, they hope to instill a sense of wonder and compassion for the urgency of which these important habitats must be protected. Stream rehabilitation, kelp re-plantation, eel-grass mapping and monitoring are just a few of the projects, in collaboration with the public and other organizations, they work on to achieve this goal. The society voluntarily operates a pink salmon hatchery and have undertaken significant restoration projects on the creek including long days of planting native stream-side plants, and installing weirs and traps. They are key players within the Sea-grass Conservation Working Group, a network of organizations along the west coast who map, monitor and replant eel-grass in order to combat its rapid decline. Eel-grass meadows are a vital habitat for juvenile salmon as it offers them protection and food. Protecting these unique coastline meadows is equally as important as protecting forests and rivers. To find out more and how you can get involved in any of their great projects, visit